Sayre: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
PL: The story of how I became a writer is more of a ‘See, I told you so,” type of story. When I got sick and could no longer to go work, I was bored and needed something to do. Giant jigsaw puzzles entertained me for some time. However, when I suggested adding to my 8000 pcs., two 6000 pcs., and my 5000 pcs. puzzles mounted to the walls, hubby begged me to find something else to do. He snickered when he suggested I write a book. So, I had to prove to him I could do it. Needless to say, I started writing and never stopped. After nearly 30 books, I showed him! LOL
Sayre: How long does it take you to write a book?
PL: Depending on how long a book is will determine the time needed to write it, and whether or not I’m emotionally invested in the story. If the story is rolling along without life’s interruptions, I can kick out a 100000 word book in a few weeks, but that rarely happens. If I’m writing a short story, 15000 words, I can do that in a few days—sans interruptions.
Sayre: Does writing energize or exhaust you?
PL: Writing a book that’s exciting, wild, and carries a heavy storyline that I just know my readers are going to love, energizes me. If the story is trudging along with little enthusiasm, I’ll loose interest and curl up in front of the tv for a while.
Sayre: What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
PL: Many authors have their little quirks, for me… Hmm, that’s a great question. I listen to Bach quite often. Instrumental music helps me focus. Otherwise, it’s hot coffee and a candle, please.
Sayre: Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
PL: My ideas and information come from my 52 years existence. I’ve been through a lot, and still there’s more to learn. I gain information from my friends, readers, research, and things I’ve either done or witnessed. I juggle those ideas around, polish them up, and weave them into stories.
Sayre: When did you write your first book and how old were you?
PL: At around 46-years-old, I started taking my writing seriously under the pen name Pebbles Lacasse. Previous to that I pumped out six books under a different alias. They were sci-fi, new-age, and mystery novels. Those genres bored me, so I shifted toward something that better interests me; contemporary, BDSM, romantic erotica.
Sayre: What do you like to do when you're not writing?
PL: When I’m not writing my time is spent with family and friends, or relaxing with the animals in front of a campfire, watching television, or reading a great book. Also, my husband loves to play pool, and I love to watch him.
Sayre: Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so what are they?
PL: My suggestions to any new writer would be to not believe everything people tell you. Some will steer you wrong for their own benefit or from jealousy. Too many people will promise to showcase your book to 50000 of their followers for a fee, but if you do a little digging, you’ll see they only have two posts. Don’t fall for it. Before you hand anyone money, do your research on them. I was ripped off by a man claiming he’d put me on his radio show. I come to find out later, after he interviewed me when he was high or drunk, that he had a station so small it didn’t reach to more than 10 houses. He got me for a lot! Live and learn. Find people you can trust via others you trust, and go from there. Write you! Write what you want, not what people suggest is the new “in” thing. Nobody wants to read the same story by twenty different authors. Be original!
Sayre: What is your writing Kryptonite?
PL: My writing Kryptonite would have to my arthritis. Some days my body and hands hurt so much I can’t sit long enough to get out a single page. It’s frustrating, but my hurdle. So, I make notes for a day when I’m not hurting so much.
Sayre: What other authors are you friends with and how do they help you become a better writer?
PL: I cannot name all the authors who’ve helped me over the past few years, but they know who they are. Friendship goes two ways, and my close author friends understand that. Those who don’t are usually kept on the outskirts. I believe in sharing my knowledge, as minute as that may be, in hopes others will do the same. We can’t succeed alone; we just can’t. So, help each other grow and strive for success.
Sayre: How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?
PL: I’ll never forget opening the pages of my first printed paperback, stuffing my face in, and taking a long sniff. Flipping the pages gave me a sense of purpose I’d been seeking, and it made sense to me to continue on. With each book I hold in my hands, new purpose and hope for a number one bestseller seems more and more possible.
Sayre: Whats your favorite under-appreciated novel?
PL: I’m not sure I have a favourite under-appreciated novel. Well, Katina J Rose wrote a book called Managing Ryan. I fell in love with the book and her writing style. She’s someone to keep our eyes on because she’ll climb up that ladder to success quickly, and I’ll be cheering her on the whole way.
Sayre: Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
PL: I love to hide little secrets in some of my scenes; something someone told me they did, something I did, or a fantasy I was told about. It’s fun to get that phone call from the person about the scene referred to in the book. It’s so much fun when they discover it.
Sayre: What does literary success look like to you?
PL: Literary success to me is in every book I put out. Knowing I’ve put so much effort into something that it forms another world of thoughts in someone else, is success. The cherry on top of it all would be to become an international bestselling author. Those credentials would have me laughing for a week.
Sayre: Do you have any events or special things coming up?
PL: Each month I’m releasing a new book in the My JoeSmith series. When all four books have released on December 1, 2022, I will be celebrating like never before! I worked so hard to perfect them. They were earlier works and deserved polishing, so that’s what I did. Instead of two very large books, I rewrote them into four full-sized novels.
In the new year, Goldilocks & The Three Bear Brothers, Book Four will be releasing, as well as several others yet to me named. I like to keep busy.
Sayre: Where can we find you on social media?
PL: Facebook is probably the best place to find me. You can find me on the platforms below.
Facebook Group
Newsletter sign-up
Sayre: Where can we find your books?
PL: Most of my books are on Amazon, but some are available on other purchasing sites as well. If anyone wants to sample the books, teasers are available under the “Books” tab on my website:
While there, check out contests, promotions, and some of the pictures from photoshoots for my book covers.
You can check out the entire My JoeSmith Collection on Amazon.