Sayre: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer

Carson: I was very little, probably about eight years old or so. My dad wrote articles for the local newspaper and would use me as his initial "editor". He had a huge love for writing and started writing a few books over the years. Unfortunately, he never pushed them to the point of publishing. But he lit a fire in me to continue and go even further.

Sayre: How long does it take you to write a book?

Carson: This first book took several months because there was a lot of back and forth in my own mind. I struggled with confidence and scrapped many ideas and drafts before finally settling. The second book in this series, though, it's flowing really well and so I feel like it will go much faster.

Sayre: Does writing energize or exhaust you?

Carson: Most days it energizes me. When I get a really good idea and can settle into a great flow, it is amazing!

Sayre: What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

Carson: I take two steps before sitting down to start any writing sprints. I take out a notebook and timer and spend five minutes writing out word associations and descriptions for a random word. I then repeat the process, but with restructuring a random sentence. There is a website that supplies both and it has been super helpful in sparking creativity and getting my mindset on writing.

Sayre: Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

Carson: Everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. Experiences from my own life, other peoples lives. . . I have a spreadsheet that I continuously add to. It might be a memory, or a headline from a news article, a word, a feeling, literally anything.

Sayre: When did you write your first book and how old were you?

Carson: I guess technically, I was 10. I was a very lonely kid and had several imaginary friends and a ton of time on my hands. So I wrote about my imaginary friends' world. It was very short, maybe 20 pages, handwritten and illustrated by me lol. I wish I still had a copy of it.

Sayre: What do you like to do when youre not writing?

Carson: Photography, painting, drawing, just about anything creative. I love making things. I often use art as a way to just decompress from the day. There are days that I'm struggling to write, so I'll draw or paint to reset my brain.

Sayre: Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer If so what are they?

Carson: Create art in multiple forms! It is so helpful, more so than anything else. Routines help, my little writing practice helps, but nothing is better than just creating.

Sayre: What is your writing Kryptonite?

Carson: I struggle with elaborate descriptions. I'm practicing everyday to become better at that.

Sayre: What other authors are you friends with and how do they help you become a better writer?

Carson: Hadlee Thorne, Amanda J. Hadlock, Bella Barnes, and Jane Knight! We actually only all met late last year, but we've become really good friends and get together often.

Sayre: How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

Carson: It helped push me to go full force into more writing. Before hand, I was very wishy-washy about whether it could actually happen. Publishing just seemed like something for someone else. But, I can do it now and I can't wait to do it again!

Sayre: Whats your favorite underappreciated novel?

Carson: Oh goodness, there are so many. I think I will have to go with The Wicked Liars series by Laura Lee. I never see them recommended or talked about anywhere and they are great! Especially the fourth book, Broken Playboy.

Sayre: Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

Carson: Not yet! Though this is something I want to do. I do plan to have any future books within the same world, so there will likely be cameos here and there from other characters.

Sayre: What does literary success look like to you?

Carson: For me it looks stability. I don't need the huge fame and massive fan bases, they are way too intimidating. That pressure would get to me. I am aiming to be beloved by a few readers who don't have to shout my name, but consistently reach for my books.

Sayre: Do you have any events or special things coming up?

Carson: I don't yet, I'm still figuring all of this out.

Sayre: Where can we find you on social media?

Carson: I’m on Instagram and Facebook.

My Instagram is @author_carson_grey

My Facebook Page is Author Carson Grey

Sayre: Where can we find your books?

Carson: Amazon! Right now I am on Kindle Unlimited. Here's the link:

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Sayre Ambrosio

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