Happy Tuesday!
So, I finally made my decision, as mentioned in a post here on the blog the other day. I decided to unpublish from everywhere except for Amazon and enroll in the KDP Select Program. I still have a few days left to change my mind (although I don't think I will). I figure why not give it a go for the initial exclusive listing period and see how sales do. I’m thinking that with it being part of the Kindle Unlimited program might see an uptick in revenue. That would be great and make me super happy, but to be quite honest, I am still just happy that I got the book out there.
If you click on the link below, you can read a sample of the book.
In addition to now being available with Kindle Unlimited Jaded will also be available in paperback via Amazon as well as soon as it clears the review process.
If you have Kindle Unlimited and you want to check out the book that would be amazing. Sharing this post or sharing the landing page for Jaded would be great too. :) Keep an eye out here as well for announcements on the Book page as I have a couple new projects going and hope to get them out to beta readers in a couple of months. You can also subscribe to my Newsletter here to keep informed of what is going on.
As always I appreciate you taking them time to read this post and for any and all support I receive from my readers here on the blog and elsewhere.
Remember to #StaySaucy