Love writing, hate making the hard decisions. It’s driving me crazy.

Jaded hasn’t quite been on Smashwords for a month yet (also on Amazon). I chose Smashwords initially because it took care of publishing everything for me to other platforms; iBooks, Kobo, et cetera. Now, while I love Smashwords and for me it was super easy to get my book in their Premium catalog which is required for distribution to other channels, Im not sure if I want to stick with them or go Kindle Select with Jaded.

I have quite a few friends who use iBooks only when it comes to ebooks and I really dont want to make it so they have to do the Kindle app thing, but, Smashwords is not helping sales. Lots of sample downloads but no purchases. All my sales come from Amazon Kindle. Hence the reason why I am thinking about doing a trial run of KDP Select. Im early enough in the game to where if I unpublish from Smashwords and go with Kindle it’s not gonna kill massive sales numbers. (It can take up to three weeks for your book to be pulled from their retailers according to their website). After all, it’s the first book, I’m a new author that is still building their fan base, and while making sales it’s nothing that is going to allow my husband to retire anytime soon.

So, the big question is, do I leave it as is and try out KDP Select with the next title or unpublish and move everything over to KDP Select now, try it out for 90 days and see where I go from there?

Another option would be to find an Erotica specific site that works with Smashwords. That would be ideal because even though smut is a billion dollar industry, it never hurts to start out with a reader base that is inclined to read it even before it’s listed.

Decisions, decisions.

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Sayre Ambrosio

Squarespace focused designer and business consultant.

