Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog so I had an outlet. It was for me. I had (and still have) so much going on and running through my head that I needed some place to let it out. I didn’t feel like it was right for me to gripe, vent, blither on to anyone around me at the time, so I turned to the blog.
Is that still why you blog, or has your site gone in a different direction than you’d planned?
In a way that is still a good part of why I blog. I love that people read what I love that people read what I write, and I love that they enjoy it and let me know that. On the other hand, I’m still really trying to find a niche that I enjoy and can stick with. I would love to be able to bring in extra income with the blog at some point in time. Maybe one day that will come to fruition. I would love to be able to take a month and just plan and write out some future posts to get me going in the right direction. For now, I just enjoy being able to share and read what others have to say as well.